Competence Center -Safety Management
We have carried out a large number of assignments on various SAFETY Studies like Risk Assessments, HAZOPs, Preparation of ON-Site Emergency Plans (Disaster Management plan), and Safety Audits etc. The list of our clientele includes major petrochemical complexes and large engineering companies like GAIL, ONGC, IPCL, Reliance, Supreme, SPIC, Toyo Engg., Uhde, L&T etc. We are one of the three Indian consulting companies approved by ONGC for Risk Analysis Studies along with other international companies like Entec, DNV, Bechtel, John Brown, and Lloyds etc. We also have an agreement of mutual co-operation in provision of safety services with M/s. Entec UK (formerly Cremer & Warner Ltd.). Under this agreement full technical, manpower and software support is available to us from Entec, who are the leading consultants of international repute in the areas of safety and environmental studies. The types of our assignment on HSE Management are as follows:


We carry out Quantitative Risk Assessment Studies of Offsites, Storage Tanks, Hazardous process plants and other facilities. We use globally acceptable methods for carrying out such assignments using software's like WHAZAN-II (World Bank approved), PHAST-RISK (Developed by DNV Technica, UK) & HAMS-GPS (A HSE Management software developed under the sponsorship of Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India). A large data bank on hazardous properties of more than 1500 chemicals is also available with us. A list of the Risk Assessment studies carried out by us is attached.
Our team of well experienced Process Engineers and Plant engineers carry out or assist the client in carrying out HAZard and OPerability (HAZOP) Study for any process industry including Petrochemicals, Fertilizers & Refineries. We use the guide word approach developed by I.C.I for the HAZOP study, which apart from being internationally adopted is formal, systematic & rigorous in examining the process and engineering intentions of various facilities. A list of various HAZOP studies conducted by us is attached. 
We carry out Safety Audit of entire plants including offsites, & associated facilities. Safety Audit being a Qualitative Health check of an organization, needs a special skill developed over the years by experienced people in the field of Safety. The following National / International laws, Standards and Codes of Practice are applied during Safety Audit. 
Factories Act, Boilers Act, Explosives Act and other relevant Acts and related rules.
IS-14489: 1998 on "Code of Practice on Occupational Safety & Health Audit.”  
"OHS-Audits- A Guide for the Chemical Industries" from Chemical Industries Association. U.K.  
BS-8800: 1996 and HS(G) 65 Guidelines on Occupational Health & HSE Management System (OHSMS) on Internationally acceptable OHS-Management System.
OHSAS-18001 issued in 1999 by the Association of certifying agencies on Internationally acceptable OHS-Management System.

As a part of Safety Audit, we carry out evaluation of the level of achievement of HSE management excellence under various key parameters of HSE management based on U.K. model for chemical industries using Standard Safety Performance Rating (SSPR) system.

We include Accident analysis in our Safety Audits since accidents reveal a pattern linking the causative factors with the various types of accidents. Subject to availability of reportable, non-reportable, first aid and near-miss accident records and details of their causative factors etc. a comprehensive codification of accidents and their causes in accordance with IS:3784-1983 is carried out and advanced computer aided accident analysis is undertaken to reveal accident patterns for effective control of accidents

Based on the findings of the Risk Assessment Studies, we prepare the On-Site Emergency Plans (Disaster Management Plans) to formulate the organizational response to emergencies. The plans are based on guidelines from Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) and addresses all emergency/administrative procedures and responsibilities. List of clients / projects for which emergency plans have been prepared by us is enclosed.

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